Joined on 8/4/14
I hate what you did to my brother agents :,c but the wall made me laugh xD
Thanks...wait, your brother agent yeah? xDD
you didnt even give the agents a chance to fight back
It's only a test, there is no point making difficult fights. At least I do with these short tests do not.
U killed them. u´re a monster!!!
Also, nice char m8! :D
Thanks bro :D
DjGayner :D :D haha to me rozesmalo jako prase :D jen tak dal.
Díky kámo :D vážim si toho :)
Koho tady kurva sere, jestli neměli šancu bojovat nazpátek? Beztak mi nerozumí, mrdat ho do ucha. Super to je Hano. :D
Dík Nikáčku :D
because I did not expect the wall and I'm angry X(
Thanks, but why are you angry?